AEJMC Visual Communications Division
2021 Third Place Best of Digital Content Website, small school

music: Childhood by Scott Buckley – www.scottbuckley.com.au
This virus has plagued the entire world and our very way of life. Normal is not normal anymore. According to the John Hopkins University of Medicine, there have been nearly 64 million COVID-19 cases worldwide (as of published) since the beginning of the pandemic as of December 2, 2020. Additionally, there have been more than one million deaths globally. These numbers are enough to show anyone the devastating reality of this virus.
The World Health Organization has compiled a timeline depicting the start of the COVID-19 pandemic to where the world is currently. According to this timeline, the first cases were being reported back in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. The virus slowly made its way to surrounding countries and eventually, cases were being reported all around the globe. No continent was immune from the infection of this virus over the land. Many countries went into complete lockdown or restrictions of some kind. These included travel bans, quarantine orders, etc. Starting from a slow spread turning into a rapid infection, COVID-19 swept the world.
This project exists to showcase various countries' responses to COVID-19. From here, you can explore the various pages of student responses on their perspective of their country's response. Each student's response is not representative of the country as a whole but is a window into the experience of life in these countries during the pandemic. This website is a non-linear project so feel free to explore any page you desire. You will always have the opportunity to return to this home page from any section with the use of the menu bar.
A major aspect of this project comes from the comparison of the countries' responses and the main influences as to why the country responded in such a way. The main form of information for this comparison comes from Hofstede Insights. Below is an example of a chart that can be seen in this project. these charts highlight various areas including Power Distance, Individualism, Masculinity, and more. The numbers for each category refer to how much this county falls under the category. For example, if the country has a high masculinity score, they value success and competition versus caring for others and quality of life. For the purpose of this project, I will focus on Individualism.
So will you begin your journey?

About the Author

Angela Hom is a passionate writer from sunny San Diego, CA and journalism graduate of Biola University. She enjoys learning about people’s personal stories and their perspectives on life; how they differ from her own and the world’s. She loves to explore new places and gain experience from her adventures. During her free time, you can find her enjoying a matcha latte at a local coffee shop or learning a new K-pop dance to cover.
More from Angela: https://www.angelahom.com/